Elastic Day

Elastic Day

AI Copilot app for monday.com

Empower Your Workflow with AI-Powered Automation

AI Copilot enhances your monday.com experience with intelligent automation. Seamlessly integrate ChatGPT to generate automated responses, streamline tasks, and boost productivity. Elevate your project management with AI-powered insights and customizable response templates. Elevate your teamwork with AI Copilot.


App features for AI Copilot

Start for Free

Begin your AI Copilot journey and enjoy up to 100 requests per month with the free plan.

Intelligent Automation

Enhance your tasks with AI-generated responses automatically with monday automations

monday Docs

Unlock the power of AI actions on monday Docs across your work processes

No additional plugins

No additional tokens needed for integration required to complete the installation.

How to Use

How to install the Integration Recipes

  • 1- Locate the AI Copilot from Integration Center

  • 2- Find the suite integration with your workflow.

  • 3- Customize the recipe columns and provide your prompt command.

  • 4- Add integration to the board.

AI Copilot Support Files Important Notes

  • - Using AI Copilot you will be able to extract the content from files and images, or perform your prompt on the files content like summarize the file content or find a pattern.

  • - To make the AI Copilot files integrations working well, you need to select the files column from the integration recipe, if you selected other than types it will not work.

  • - The Supported files are PDF, GIF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, and WebP file formats.

How to install the Docs Action

  • 1- Go to any monday doc.

  • 2- Select blocks or any text in your Doc.

  • 3- From Apps icon, find "AI Copilot" App.

  • 4- Select the target content "Hightailed Text" or "Selected Blocks"

  • 5- Select what you want to do e.g: summarize the selected blocks.

  • 6- After receive the response from AI Model you will see the results in Results Tab.

  • 7- Select where you want to save the results.

App & Feature Images

AI Copilot with monday Docs

Use AI Copilot to peform predefined AI commands on selected blocks, hightailed text or All Doc Blocks

Use AI Copilot for Translation

Enjoy with translation the text using AI Copilot by select the target language

Add the results to Doc Directly

Preview the the generated results from AI before adding it to your monday Docs, then you can add it to Doc directly by replace the hightailed text, selected block or new block

File Integrations

Ai Copilot support files, so you can upload your files and extract content from it or execute prompt on the file content. Note: The integrations will not work if you didn't select file column.


Free Plan


  • Integration with monday.com Automations
  • Integration with monday.com Docs
  • Limited to 100 requests per month.
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Basic Plan


  • Integration with monday.com Automations
  • Integration with monday.com Docs
  • Limited to 500 requests per month
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Standard Plan


  • Integration with monday.com Automations
  • Integration with monday.com Docs
  • Limited 1500 requests per month
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Pro Plan


  • Integration with monday.com Automations
  • Integration with monday.com Docs
  • Limited 3500 requests per month
  • Priority email support
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Enterprise Plan


  • Integration with monday.com Automations
  • Integration with monday.com Docs
  • 7500 requests per month, Ready to scale!
  • Priority to use more pro features
  • Priority email support
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Frequently Asked Questions

The app is always free to use AI with your team. Once you decide to use it with more features and members you’ll need to purchase a monthly subscription. see the pricing section.

The OAuth scopes we are requesting are required for write the updates and create items in your boards. We do not store any of your boards or users data outside of monday.com

__boards:read__ - Allow us to read the board items and perform the AI methods on it.

__boards:write__ - Allow us to be able from edit the item columns and save the results.

__docs:read__ - Allow us to read the document blocks text content to perform ai methods.

__docs:write__ - Allow us to save the results on the document block.

__account:read__ - Allow us to read the account Id and identify the process for each account with each action.

__updates:write__ – Allow us to create new update in items when we will receive new sms.

__Updates:write__ – Allow us to create new items in the board when we will receive new sms in realtime.

__Notifications:write__ – Allow us to send notification to the users contains the linked phone number with the board, after he installed the integration.

None of your account and board data is being stored outside of monday.com. We do not transfer or store it anywhere else.

Sure. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any question using this email (support@elasticday.com)